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integrated metrology community.

Measurements for Innovative Technologies

Europe is the birthplace of many innovations and has great potential to benefit from this capability, by better integrating of new technologies into products and services to sustain economic growth. The adoption of new technologies represents an important business opportunity in a market estimated to be worth at least €750 billion by 2021. To help achieve economic growth in this rapidly expanding area, the EU has identified the need for targeted research into micro and nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics, and advanced manufacturing technologies.

Crucial for introducing new technology is the ability to reliably measure material and component properties and to robustly confirm their performance. This depends on measurements evolving to meet the requirements of technological advancements. Europe has world leading metrology capabilities centred on its National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and Designated Institutes (DIs), where knowledge and facilities across the measurement spectrum are able to underpin all aspects of industry and society.

The New Technology projects funded under the EURAMET research programme EMRP have brought together metrology expertise in physics, chemistry, and biology to develop new analytical methods and statistical approaches that support greater uptake of novel materials or statistical approaches for new applications. Highlights from the projects are available here. Case studies demonstrating early examples of impact can be found here.

Measurements for Innovative Technologies Report

This report presents the key technical achievements of these research projects and highlights early examples of the impact generated. The projects are grouped into three sub-themes: Technology on a small scale, Technology for advanced materials, and Technology for a safe and secure world.

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