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Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting

EMRP project High-accuracy optical clocks with trapped ions (SIB04 ion clock) will prepare a selection of optical clocks with the potential to become primary standards, evaluate their performance and provide frequency measurements for input to a redefinition of the second.

SIB04 JRP-Partners will present the results of the JRP at this meeting. The Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG, German Physical Society) is the world's largest organisation of physicists. It holds an annual conference and multiple spring conferences which are held at various locations and along topical subjects of given sections of the DPG. In March the annual and spring meeting of the DPG will be combined with the following subjects being some of interest; Atomic Physics, Short Time-scale Physics, Mass Spectrometry, Molecular Physics, Plasma Physics, Quantum Optics and Photonics.


Event Information

2014-03-17 to 2014-03-21
Berlin, Germany