The second annual meeting of the EURAMET 'BoD Working Group for Capacity Building' (BoD-WGCB) will take place from the morning of 25th to the afternoon of 26th October 2017 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Main elements of the agenda are:
- reporting on capacity building (CB) activities in 2016/2017;
- analysis and improvement of the CB instruments (HI-CB, RMG, RPT);
- EURAMET coordination study;
- BoD-WGCB and EURAMET related information;
- PRTs for EMPIR RPT call 2018;
- access to EU structural funds;
- other activities based on the group's Terms of Reference.
Foreseen participation: BOD-WGCB contact persons and invitees.
For questions please contact EURAMET's Capacity Building Officer Tanasko Tasic (E-mail:
HI-CB: Human and institutional capacity building
RMG: Researcher mobility grants
RPT: Research potential
PRT: Potential research topic