EURAMET and the EMRP will attend the International Congress of Metrology in October. EURAMET is a co-sponsor of the event, which offers the opportunity to understand the latest technical developments in measurement, explore industrial challenges and develop solutions that will enhance innovation and performance. At the congress, the results from a variety of EMRP projects will be presented, including:
- ‘Metrology for Energy Harvesting’ (ENG02 Harvesting) will develop sources of sustainable energy from human activity and natural processes.
- ‘Metrology for Smart Electrical Grids’ (ENG04 SmartGrid), which intends to make smart grids smarter, by improving the accuracy of onsite measurements, vital for maintaining the quality of electricity supply and developing smart grids capable of dealing with decentralised electricity production.
- ‘Metrology for New Generation Nuclear Power plants’ (ENG08 Metrofission), which aims to address the measurement challenges posed by new ‘Generation IV’ nuclear reactor designs.
- 'Metrology for Chemical Pollutants in Air' (ENV01 MACPoll), which aims to support the development of EU Air Quality legislation by improving indoor and outdoor air quality measurements.
- ‘Emerging requirements for measuring pollutants from automotive exhaust emissions’ (ENV02 PartEmission) will build expertise in measuring small particle pollutants, particularly platinum group elements and mercury, and will increase the required accuracy and reliability of measurements.
- ‘Traceable measurements for monitoring critical pollutants under the European Water Framework Directive’ (ENV08 WFD), will support the Directive by developing reliable reference standards, as close as possible to real-world water samples.
- ‘High temperature metrology for industrial applications’ (IND01 HiTeMS), which will enable more efficient operation of industrial processes, reduced energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions, by developing a range of measurement methods accurate at high temperatures.
- 'High pressure metrology for industrial applications' (IND03 HighPRES), aims to develop new standards to extend the calibration capability to 1.6 Gpa, thereby supporting the use of high pressure technologies and improving product quality.
- 'Traceable characterisation of nanostructured devices' (NEW01 TReND) will support the semiconductor industry by developing and improving the methods for characterising the chemical and electrical properties of nanostructures, and make comparisons between the different techniques.
- 'Novel mathematical and statistical approaches to uncertainty evaluation' (NEW04 Uncertainty) will develop new approaches to measurement uncertainty evaluation in order to help improve product testing, medical diagnosis and drug testing.
- ‘Quantum ampere: Realisation of the new SI ampere’ (SIB07 Qu-Ampere) will develop state-of-the-art Single Electron Transport devices, which generate electric current by moving only one electron at a time, and by combining them with detectors to create quantum current sources for use as standards.
- ‘Metrology for next-generation safety standards and equipment in MRI’ (HLT06 MRI Safety) aims to improve MRI risk assessments and provide more complete and robust safety data for patients and medical staff.
- 'Metrology for radiotherapy using complex radiation fields' (HLT09 MetrExtRT) will develop new standards to improve radiotherapy dose measurements and support the updating of international codes of practice.
- ‘Automated impedance metrology extending the quantum toolbox for electricity’ (SIB53 AIM QuTE) will improve impedance metrology at the lowest uncertainties by making the transition from measurements performed at predefined values and relative phase angles.