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Joint IEEE-UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium

The joint UFFC, ETTF and PFM Symposium celebrates the 60th anniversary of the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society and also will be the 6th in the series of successful joint meetings between the EFTF and IFCS and the 3rd joint meeting between the ISAF and PFM.  The results from a variety of EMRP projects will be presented at the Joint Symposia, including:

  • New generation of frequency standards for industry (IND14 Frequency) will develop new standards to improve the stability of the high frequency atomic clocks used to provide satellite navigation systems and fast internet access. This should result in clocks becoming more stable, robust and portable, improve synchronisation between them, and enable higher speed data transfer.
  • High-accuracy optical clocks with trapped ions (SIB04 Ion Clock) will prepare a selection of optical clocks with the potential to become primary standards, evaluate their performance and provide frequency measurements for input to a redefinition of the second.
  • International timescales with optical clocks (SIB55 ITOC) will help prepare for a redefinition of the second, in terms of an optical frequency, by improving clock comparisons and benefit scientific space missions.

Event Information

2013-07-21 to 2013-07-25
Prague, Czech Republic