The EURAMET / INRIM / IMBiH training on air temperature and humidity measurements will be held at IMBiH, Augusta Brauna 2 in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 17 to 21 October 2016
Who should attend
Staff of laboratories for air temperature and humidity measurements
- Calibration of air temperature and humidity sensors (instruments)
- Calibration of climatic chambers and furnaces
- Training for system for on-site calibrations of temperature and humidity
Registration closed.
Participation is free of charge, but registration is necessary. Maximal number of participants is 10.
Registration is necessary by Tuesday, 4 October 2016.
Participants eligibility: EURAMET NMIs and DIs; further participants upon availability.
For questions please contact EURAMET's Capacity Building Officer Tanasko Tasić
Logistic information (accommodation and transfer)
Draft agenda