EMRP project Metrology for Chemical Pollutants in Air (ENV01 MACPoll) aims to support the development of EU Air Quality legislation by improving indoor and outdoor air quality measurements. This project will develop methods to provide stable reference samples for calibrating instruments, new measurement methods to detect volatile, highly reactive gases and a reliable, compact nitrogen dioxide microsensor.
The workshop, organised by JRP-Partners BAM, NPL and VSL, will address the need for accurate reference atmospheres and traceable reference materials for the measurement of (semi)volatile organic compounds ((S)VOC) in indoor air. In the first part of the workshop the results obtained in the JRP will be presented. Two invited lectures will also examine the potential problems associated with the expression of measurement uncertainty in analytical laboratories as well as giving insight into the harmonising of VOC measurement in Europe. The second part of the workshop is dedicated to training and discussion, where the participants have the chance to learn and discuss about materials emissions testing and give their views in three separate sessions.
The workshop is free of charge and those wishing to participate should register on the website before 20 January 2014.