Metrology - in short, fourth edition
Update of the publication "Metrology - in short" (third edition, 2008)
1. Determination of the structure and content of the 4th edition of Metrology - in short
2. Drafting new text, including updating text from the 3rd edition
3. Reviewing and editing (incl. new photos in co-operation with Anne Trumpfheller)
4. Printing the booklet and generation of the electronic version
4a. Creation of a .pdf file (until the end of 2015)
4b. afterwards edition of an e-book
4c. publication as App.?
5. Distribution (Download)
6. Reporting
Progress Report 2024-01-03
The text was reviewed during winter, and will be checked by the TC Chairs now.
It is expected to be submitted to the BoD meeting in April and then to the General Assembly in June to be approved.
Progress Report 2019-02-04
NPL volunteered to work on the final draft of 'Metrology in Short.
Starting in autum 2018
- Definition of work scope
- Rewriting postponed due to other priorities
- January 2019: one person full-time assigned to the task
- Reduced to 4 chapters; impact examples will be given in each chapter instead of a separate impact chapter
Target group
- students, universities, people new to the field of metrology, metrology interested audience
- in general easy to read, but technical information necessary
- Starting end of February / beginning of March
- Chapter by chapter
- Volunteers? (timing: 1 week per chapter)
- PDF version online available in May / June 2019
- Further options are evaluated (print / web version)