Bilateral comparison of liquid flow facilities from 0.5 to 30 m3/h
A bilateral comparison of liquid flow facilities using a set of two turbines (1.5" and 3/4") will be conducted between Metrologi-LIPI (Indonesian National Metrology Institute) and LNE-CETIAT (French Designated Institute for Liquid Flow (water)). The comparison will be used by Metrologi-LIPI to propose new CMCs. The pilot laboratory is LNE-CETIAT.
Comparison funded by Europe through the EU-Indonesia Trade Support Programme II (TSP2) AWP3-2-16 "Improvement of traceability of Calibration services of Metrologi-LIPI"
Final Report 2016-02-25
The project has been completed and the report can be downloaded here>>
A set of two turbines was used for this comparison to cover the flow range from 0.5 to 30 m3/h. The first tubine covering the low flow range between 0.45 and 4.5 m3/h broke during the measurement at CETIAT. Some instabilities were observed for the second turbine for flow rate higher than 10 m3/h. The comparaison between the two laboratories was possible between 3.5 and 10.2 m3/h. The results are not satisfactory. The calculated normalized error is greater than 1.