Calibration of the Slovenian Ionization chamber ARC-120 type Capintec for activity measurements
Project Description
The Slovenian ionization chamber type Capintec was calibrated by BEV using the following radionuclides:
F-18, Co-57, Co-58, Tc-99m, I-123, I-125, I-131, Ba-133, Cs-137, Tl-201, Am-241
Final Report 2016-01-20
The calibration of the ionisation chamber Captinec ARC-120 (owned by University Medical Centre, Department for Nuclear Medicine, Ljubljana, SLovenia) for Jozef Stefan Institute (DI, MIRS/IJS/F-2,O-2 (SI)) was performed to established the traceability of calibrators of radionuclides used in nuclear medicine.
The project is closed because this traceability arrangement is not needed any longer.