Comparison of 100 µmol/mol HCl in N2
Project Description
The project will provide a comparison of standards and capabilities for the analysis of 100 µmol/mol HCl in N2. As that it prepares (PTB) for the participation in an upcoming KC on the CCQM level.
The technical protocol can be downloaded here>>
Final Report 2021-12-22
The project has been completed and the report can be downloaded here>>.
Progress Report 2021-04-02
All measurements have been completed, analysis is completed, cylinders exchanged and returned to participants. The comparison report is in preparation and will be concluded by the end of April 2021. This comparison will be used to evidence CMC claims for HCl in N2 gas in the range of 50 µmol/mol to 200 µmol/mol HCl. It will be used as preparation for a participation in the key comparison CCQM-K175 on HCl in N2.