Development of the Malta metrology directorate
Project Description
Identification of the fields of metrology, and depth of scope appropriate to the Maltese environment based on limitations of economic size and the current development of manufacturing industry. Aims of the project, are to ensure the setting up of an infrastructure that will function on guidelines similar to those of European metrology institutes and will have an infrastructure to sustain the development of legal and industrial metrology.
Final Report 2004-04-05
The purpose of the project:
Identification of the fields of metrology, and depth of scope appropriate to the Maltese environment based on limitations of economic size and the current development of manufacturing industry. Aims of the project are to ensure the setting up of an infrastructure that will function on guidelines similar to those of European metrology institutes and will have an infrastructure to sustain the development of legal and industrial metrology.
It was foreseen that MSA and DFM would collaborate closely to fulfill the purpose.
Instead MSA chose to pursue the project through other partners. However the input given by DFM in the initiation of this project has been crucial to the successful formulation of the development plan and its timely execution bringing about an operational NMI with the appropriate setup sized to the needs of local manufacturing, meeting national legislative requirements and capable of participating within the selected areas in EUROMET intercomparisions. The consultation delivered in the initial phases has fully served its purpose and has been susscessful for MSA, albeit that the project could not be brought to complete fruition with DFM.