Inter-comparison of 1000 L proving tank
Project Description
The aim of this project is to compare results and method calibration of a 1000 L proving tank. Both the gravimetric method and the volumetric method can be used. If the laboratory is capable to use both methods they can either choose one or do both and report both. This comparison will allow the participating laboratories to test the agreement of their results and uncertainties despite the different used equipment and different calibration method.
This comparison will also give a possibility in EURAMET to have a comparison in the large volume capacity. So far there has been only EURAMET comparisons on the µl range, and smaller volumes like 100 ml, 5 litre and 20 litre.
Final Report 2013-03-20
The comparison has been completed and results are published in the KCDB.
The results are quite satisfactory. The majority of the laboratories present results that are consistent with the reference value, and with each other. There are two laboratories, DMDM and LNE, that present slightly discrepant values when compared with the reference value.
The presented uncertainties for the volumetric method are in all cases larger that the uncertainties of the gravimetric method, as expected, because it is a secondary calibration method.