Interlaboratory comparison in the range from 420 °C to -40 °C
Project Description
The purpose of the comparison is to compare the results of the participating laboratories during calibration of a two standard platinum resistance thermometers by comparison.
The circulating items are two 25 Ω standard platinum resistance thermometers(Rosemount 162CE and Tinsley 5187A. The proficiency test includes eleven measuring points in the range between -40 °C and 420 °C.
Final Report 2015-03-13
The comparison was put on standby due to reorganisation at Metrosert laboratory and moving of the laboratory to a new location. Metrosert is currently developing measurement capabilities for scale realization by using fixed points from Hg to Zn. A more suitable comparison at present would be SPRT-calibration in fixed points. Therefore it was decided to stop this project.