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integrated metrology community.

Metrology for Climate Actions – coordinating e-learning courses

Project Description

Climate change and environmental protection provide cross-disciplinary challenges for metrology (in Europe). EURAMET has set out to tackle some of these metrological challenges by respective EMNs in the field, e.g. by the European Metrology Networks (EMNs) for Climate and Ocean Observation (COO) and Pollution Monitoring (PolMo). In APMP a Focus Group has been founded that addresses climate change and clean air. We initiated a consultation project under the EURAMET TC-IM that, by means of expertise from Technical Committees (TCs) and EMNs, combines information and distributes knowledge about EURAMET metrology for climate actions and that from other interested parties, e.g. from APMP.

The collated expertise will be reviewed with a view to produce roadmap for e-learning courses on climate action metrology. As rolled-out, the e-learning course modules will be uploaded to the EURAMET space on the BIPM’s e-learning platform.

The PDF "Advancing e-learning on Metrology for Climate Actions" can bei downloaded here>>

Details on the proposed undertaking

1. Background

European metrology has developed an impressive archive of metrology research projects during the recent EURAMET research programmes, started with iMERA plus, via EMRP, to finally EMPIR the predecessor of the current European Partnership Metrology (EPM) scheme. Calls on environmental topics have been in place in all those funding circles and the EURAMET metrology community has come up with a tremendous increase of engagement towards climate actions and environmental protection measurement capabilities. The latest EPM programme is accompanied by the installation of the European Metrology Networks (EMNs), which have set out to serve as a one-stop-shop for stakeholders. In the context of climate actions and environmental protection, the EMNs Climate and Ocean Observation, Pollution Monitoring and Radiation Protection shall be mentioned in this area, that is further touched by the EMN for Safe and Sustainable Food.

However, when looking at the portfolios either stated by the European Metrology Networks or the CIPM MRA Key Comparison Database (KCDB) yet little direct links to metrology services related to climate actions provided to customers and stakeholders can be counted.

2. Proposed Work

With the proposed project an initiative undertaken by the participating institutes aims to generate knowledge, information and finally a roadmap for e-learning courses about available metrology resources for climate actions. Following this roadmap and once produced, e-learning modules will be showcased on the BIPM e-learning platform in accordance with agreements between EURAMET and the BIPM.

The project proposed here, will provide the roadmap for such an undertaking with the view that the production of e-learning modules will then require financial resources and labour time equivalents at each partner’s side. The idea would be to follow the masterplan defined by the roadmap and to start fundraising for individual realisations of e-learning modules. The follow-up production of e-learning modules will be operated separately with a liaison agreement to this TC-IM project.

Interdisciplinary Metrology (IM)
Olav Werhahn, PTB (Germany)
Phone: +49 531 592 3022
Coordinating Institute
PTB (Germany)


Reg. No.
Collaboration Type
in progress
Proposed Completion