WELMEC Software Guides (train-the-trainers)
In the frames of EURAMET Focus group on National Metrology Infrastructure, a 2 day seminar on WELMEC Software guides was held in period from 21st to 22nd of April 2009. Bureau of Metrology Macedonia was a host of the seminar in it's premises in Skopje, Macedonia, while PtB, Germany arranged other organizational issues.
All together 18 participants from five countries of SEE region joined the training.
Two participants from each of the following organizations were present:
General Directorate of Metrology, Albania; Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, Serbia; Bureau of Metrology, Montenegro; Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Bureau of Metrology, while Macedonia as a host was present with 10 participants.
Topic of the training were WELMEC Software guides: WELMEC 7.2 (Software Guide (Measuring Instruments Directive 2004/22/EC)) and WELMEC 7.1 (Software Requirements on the Basis of the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID)).
OIML D31 (General requirements for software controlled measuring instruments) was also briefly explained as a new development in the area of software requirements and testing in legal metrology.
Participants were guided throughout the historical development in approach to software testing. Frame of software requirements in WELMEC software guides was explained and software requirements were explained in detail together with practical issues.
Practical examples of software testing according to software guides included Active electricity meter (MI003), Automatic Weighing instrument (MI006) and Taximeter (MI007). Other practical issues from software requirements and software testing in legal metrology were discussed with the group. Therefore the seminar was not only a presentation, but also a lively and interactive debate that increased the depth of understanding of software issues in legal metrology.