The gateway to Europe's
integrated metrology community.
Subject Reg. No. Starting TITLE Coordinating Institute Status Collaboration Type KCDB
AUV 1049 2008-08-04 Knowledge transfer in acoustic metrology DMDM completed Consultation
PR 1048 2008-08-17 Cryogenic Solar Absolute Radiometer (CSAR) NPL ongoing Research
M 1047 2008-06-01 Comparison in the range (0.5 Pa - 15 kPa), gauge and absolute CMI completed Comparison EURAMET.M.P-K4.2010
F 1046 2008-05-19 Inter-comparison of electromagnetic flow-meters CMI completed Comparison EURAMET.M.FF-S2
L 1045 2008-12-01 Direct comparison of 3 optical femtosecond comb generators BEV completed Comparison
EM 1043 2008-07-01 Peer review of the self declared quality system of the LNE LNE completed Consultation
F 1042 2008-06-01 Bilateral comparison of calibration facilities of gas meters in the flow rate range of (0.5 - 1000) m³/h METAS concluded Comparison
M 1041 2007-07-01 Comparison in gas media (absolute and gauge mode) in the range from 25 kPa to 200 kPa METAS completed Comparison EURAMET.M.P-K8
M 1040 2007-07-01 Comparison in Gas Media (absolute mode) in the range from 100 µPa to 1 Pa METAS completed Comparison EURAMET.M.P-S7
M 1039 2008-03-01 FEA calculation of pressure distortion coefficients of gas-operated pressure balances PTB completed Research
M 1038 2006-08-16 Transferring knowledge on pressure balance calibration NSAI NML completed Consultation
T 1037 2007-06-01 Study of Argon triple point devices behaviour LNE-LCM/CNAM completed Research
T 1036 2007-06-01 Extrapolation scheme for long stem thermometers range calibration down to 77K LNE-LCM/CNAM completed Research
T 1035 2008-09-01 Adiabatic calorimeter in the 54K-273K temperature range LNE-LCM/CNAM completed Research
T 1034 2008-03-25 Determination of the water vapor pressure curve, between -100 °C and 100 °C, with a very high accuracy LNE-CETIAT completed Research
T 1033 2008-11-01 Comparison of psychrometer calibrations - Pre-study FORCE completed Comparison
T 1032 2008-04-01 High-range dew-point temperature realization using two-pressure generators INTA completed Research
M 1031 2008-05-01 Solid density comparison PTB completed Comparison EURAMET.M.D-K1.1
M 1030 2008-03-12 Second regional (European) Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (ECAG-2007) INRIM completed Comparison
M 1029 2007-07-01 Bilateral comparison of 1 kg stainless steel weights MIRS completed Comparison EUROMET.M.M-K4.1
1244 result(s)