Mathematical centre of excellence launched
European Centre for Mathematics and Statistics in Metrology (MATHMET) established as an outcome of EMRP project
MATHMET emerged from EMRP project NEW04 Novel mathematical and statistical approaches to uncertainty evaluation and was founded by four European national metrology institutes (NMIs) from France (LNE), the United Kingdom (NPL), Germany (PTB) and Sweden (SP). It provides a European platform for metrologists, academia and industry regarding mathematical and statistical research in all metrological areas. It provides guidelines, best practices, collaboration in scientific projects, workshops and training materials.
Results from this project will continue to be disseminated through the dedicated webpage (, a conference series (7 - 9 November 2016, Berlin), sessions at metrology conferences and events, and dedicated topical workshops. The first General Assembly was held in July 2016 at PTB. MATHMET membership is open to further European NMIs and other interested institutions and organisations.
- Mathmet Workshop
- New Technologies,
This allows national metrology institutes to perform SI-traceable calibration of stylus instruments without special material standards more
Developing a measurement framework for performance and safe radio exposure in wireless networks more
Across Europe, there are now four installations of the primary standard for hydrogen flow meters that are used in hydrogen refuelling stations more
Developing calibration methods for ‘substations of the future’ in digitised energy networks more
Developing certified reference materials for mass spectroscopy to monitor radioactive pollution in the environment more