Registration now open: EURAMET Training on calibration of volume equipment
IPQ, Caparica, 20-23 February 2018
The training aims in improving the knowledge of the laboratory staff in EURAMET NMI/DIs on calibration of various type volume equipment, by the gravimetric and volumetric method. After one full day of theoretical lectures, three subsequent days will be devoted to practical work in laboratories for calibration of volumetric glassware, micropipettes and standard test measures.
Participant are expected to have basic knowledge of volume measurement.
Programme highlights:
- Day 1: Calibration procedures (lecture)
- Day 2: Calibration of glassware (laboratory)
- Day 3: Calibration of micropipettes (laboratory)
- Day 4: Calibration of standards test imeasures (laboratory)
Lecturer at the workshop is Elsa Batista, IPQ
Registration will be open until Friday, 19 January 2018. However, the registration may be closed earlier if all available places are filled.
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