The SI Broader Scope, Open Excellence and Fundamental research projects funded under the EURAMET research programmes, EMRP and EMPIR, have brought together research groups from metrology institutes, academia, and industry to work collaboratively. These address some current and future measurement challenges important for providing the reliable and internationally agreed measurement infrastructure that supports our economy and underpins our quality of life.
EMRP SI projects
Towards future SI measurement standards
Future proofing the SI Units
EMRP Open Excellence projects
The EMRP Open Excellence theme was set up to fund early stage scientific research for future measurement techniques. To encourage interaction between the NMI community and academia, funding was made available to support the participation of university researchers. Smaller in scale than other EMRP themes, open Excellence was targeted at scientific fields that had not been included in other EMRP calls and projects were selected for scientific ‘excellence’.
EMPIR SI Projects
EMPIR Fundamental projects
The EMPIR Fundamental Theme builds on the concepts behind the EMRP Open Excellence projects, providing funding for fundamental research into technologies that will support future developments in SI measurement standards. Projects in this theme are currently in progress and can be accessed here.